How to measure your body fat percentage and what it looks like

Body fat percentage is a measure of your total body fat, which includes both essential and non-essential fat. It's important to understand how body fat percentage works, as it can provide you with an indication of your overall health and fitness level. Knowing your body fat percentage can also help you set realistic goals for weight loss or weight gain. In this article, we'll discuss what body fat percentage is and how you can calculate it using different methods.
The Different Types of Body Fat Measurements & How to Accurately Measure Yours
There are four main methods used to calculate your body fat percentage. The most used methods are listed below:
- Skinfold Callipers
Skinfold callipers are a tool used to measure skinfolds, which are areas of fat that accumulate beneath the skin. By measuring these areas of fat, it's possible to determine an individual's body composition and see how much fat they have in comparison to their muscle mass. Skinfold callipers offer an accurate way to track progress and adjust workout regimes accordingly. They can also be used for medical purposes, such as prescribing diets and determining fitness levels.
- Body Circumference Measurements
This method is commonly used and can be done in the convenience of your own home. This method uses measurements taken with a measuring tape and are then entered into a specific equation to determine your body fat percentage.
- Women are to measure their neck, waist and hip circumference and use the equation:
% Body fat = (163.205 x log10 (waist + hip – neck)) – (97.684 x log10 (height)) – 78.387
- Men are to measure their neck and waist circumference and use the equation:
% Body fat = (86.010 x log10 (abdomen – neck)) – (70.041 x log10 (height)) + 36.76
- Body Fat Scales
Unlike traditional scales, body fat scales are more advanced and provide more health information in addition to your current weight. Body fat scales are devices used to measure and monitor body fat levels. They provide an easy and accurate way of measuring and tracking body composition. Body fat scales use a form of bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) technology, which relies on electrical signals to measure the physical characteristics of an individual's body composition. This information is then used to calculate the individual's body fat percentage, lean mass, muscle mass, and water weight. With the help of these scales, individuals can track their progress in a more effective way as they work towards their fitness goals.
- Calculating your waist circumference
This is one of the easiest ways to check your health status. Calculating your waist circumference is easy with a measuring tape and provides efficient results. The larger your waist circumference is, the more likely you are to have body fat and are at risk of long-term health concerns and diseases such as diabetes and heart conditions. The average measurements for men should be around 100cm and 88cm for women. Keep in mind that the measurements may vary according to ethnic groups and calculating your waist circumference does not depict your entire body fat percentage.
What would be considered a health body fat percentage based on age?
The table below shows the healthy body fat percentage for women:
Age |
Percentage |
20-39 |
21-32% |
40-59 |
23-33% |
60-79 |
24-35% |
The table below shows the healthy body fat percentage for men:
Age |
Percentage |
20-39 |
8-19% |
40-59 |
11-21% |
60-79 |
13-24% |
Calculating your body fat percentage is an important step in understanding your health and fitness levels. It helps you make sure that you are not carrying too much fat in the body, which can be dangerous to your long-term health. In addition, understanding your body fat percentage will help you set a goal to lose weight if needed or gain muscle mass if desired.
Like with all things, your results may vary and be inaccurate based on the time of day by which you measure yourself at and the reliability of the equipment used. Ensure that you consult a medical professional in order to get the best advice regarding your health.
Ultimately, the most important part of calculating your body fat percentage is learning to love yourself regardless of the number on the scale. To get started on a successful journey of loving and taking care of your well-being, focus on setting achievable goals each day and celebrating small accomplishments along the way. Remember, weight loss should be viewed as a lifelong journey – not something that can be achieved overnight – so enjoy every moment!