Beat The Winter Blues

Beat The Winter Blues

Winter can be a wonderful time of the year, with cozy sweaters, hot cocoa and intimate moments with family and friends. While the colder weather may bring an increased risk of colds and flu, fortunately,there are steps you can take to avoid catching a cold and keeping your loved ones safe so that you can enjoy the brighter side of the season. 

Here are some useful ways in which you can beat the cold and make your well-being a priority.


Wash Your Hands Frequently throughout winter


One of the best ways to avoid catching a cold is to wash your hands regularly. Embark on a routine to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially if you have been in a public space or around others who are sick. The soap helps to break down the outer layer of the bacteria, which makes it easier to wash away. Water then rinses the germs and soap off your skin, effectively removing them. 


Boost Your Immune System this winter


Eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated and getting adequate sleep time are all essential remedies for keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Ensure that you are consuming fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help fight off infections. 


Supplement with Vitamins 


Taking vitamins and supplements are a crucial part in boosting your immune system. Here are some vitamins that can be helpful when beating the cold: 


Immune Pro + 


Immune Pro+ contains essential vitamins, minerals, and herbal ingredients that work synergistically to build and maintain a healthy immune system. Immune Pro+  may stimulate the immune system to fight infection more effectively and may also offer natural anti-inflammatory effects. 



Vita C + 


Vita C+ Plus provides powerful antioxidant and immune boosting benefits that may strengthen your body’s natural defenses against disease and infections. It can help your body protect your cells from free radical damage and reduce your risk of chronic diseases and illness. 



Daily Greens 


NPL’s Daily Greens contain a blend of ingredients from real food sources including wheat grass, celery, spinach, barley, kale, and baobab. NPL’s Daily Greens contain antioxidant rich ingredients, each providing unique health attributes that may strengthen and assist the immune system. It can improve gut health and is a suitable option for vegans and vegetarians. 



Vita Women 


Vita Women is a full spectrum multivitamin and mineral complex made to improve overall health and wellness. It contains herbal extracts to support immune health, metabolism, stress, and cortisol management. Vita Women includes antioxidants and mineral support for healthy hair, skin, and nails as well as support for digestion, daily energy, and vitality.



Exercise Regularly


Exercising regularly has been shown to boost your immune system, reduce stress and help you maintain a healthy weight. During Winter, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3-5 times per week such as walking, cycling or going to the gym.

It is important to remember that while regular exercise can help boost your immune system, you must not overdo it as too much exercise can actually have the opposite effect and weaken your immune system. If you are feeling sick, avoid exercise and rest. This will help you recover faster and help you feel better. 

Although there is no certain way to avoid catching a cold, following these tips may assist you with reducing your risk of getting sick this winter.

Practice self-care, good hygiene and stay informed about local outbreaks and follow the recommended precautions to improve your overall well-being. Stay healthy and enjoy this winter season and all it has to offer, you deserve it! 



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