How to motivate those around you to live a fitness lifestyle

Two NPL Athletes standing with hands on their hips, blog discusses how to get those around you interested and involved in fitness

How To Motivate Those Around You to Get into Fitness 


Being a fitness fanatic makes it difficult to understand why other people are not as motivated as you to work out and live a fitness lifestyle. But those around you may just need a little more encouragement and the final push to take the plunge and get into healthier habits.  


According to a study published in the Journal of Social science, working out with a partner or friend results in a higher success rate. You (or your friend) will be more likely to persist if you have a partner that holds you accountable.


Exercise has endless health benefits, and if you want to encourage those around you to fall in love with a fitness lifestyle, we have 5 tips for you! 


#1 Role model behaviour 


Get up. Show up. Set the example. People will feel motivated once they see your passion for fitness and your lifestyle when you lead by example. Talk about your goals and why you work out, and it may plant the seed that inspires those around you to start taking exercise more seriously.  


Be consistent with your workout routine, and diet – and those around you will follow. 


#2 Set short-term goals 


Setting short, bite-size goals that are achievable will motivate people to continuously set new goals and keep persisting to achieve their long-term goals. A fitness lifestyle often starts with small attanable goals.


Also, remember to reward yourself and others upon achieving those short-term goals. 


#3 Work towards a mutual goal 


When working towards something together, both parties will stay motivated and on track with the exercise regimen. 


Exercise for something fun, or something with a cause. Support each other along the way and enjoy the fitness lifestyle instead of seeing it as a chore.


#4 Put the Fun in your Fitness Lifestyle


Yes, working out can be fun. Ask your friends and family what type of exercise they enjoy, and do it with them. If someone likes something or feels comfortable doing a certain exercise, chances are better that they’ll keep at it. This is especially important during the ‘beginning phase’. If someone is still on the fence about going to the gym because they feel uncomfortable in their own skin. Try and do a home workout routine with them instead. 


Hiking, taking a gym class like spinning, or doing resistance training together, can be a fun way to get those endorphins racing. 


#5 Focus on the benefits 


It’s important to be reminded of all the health benefits of exercising. When a person is hesitant to exercise, it may be good for them to be reminded of these benefits. 


Most people will tell you that working out makes them FEEL better. It improves the mood! According to an article from the Mayo Clinic, physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed, and less anxious. It can also energise you. The other benefit is that it promotes better sleep. Regular exercise can also help to combat many health risks such as: 


  • Stroke
  • Metabolic syndrome 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Type 2 diabetes 
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety
  • Many types of cancer 
  • Arthritis 



Helping and encouraging those around you to get into fitness, will start a ripple effect of healthy habits! You can set the example of a healthier and fitter lifestyle.  


Be sure to be compassionate, and never to ‘preach’. Helping those around you to set short-term goals is a great way to set the foundation of a long-term healthier fitness lifestyle.  


People need mentors and someone to look up to. Be a reliable partner and set your friends and family up for success. 


Follow NPL for more tips and insights into the health and fitness industry.  




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