Best Supplements for Rapid Muscle Repair & Growth

Best Supplements for Rapid Muscle Repair & Growth

Why is Recovery Important?

When training to build muscle or increase strength in the gym, you're actually creating tiny micro-tears in your muscle fibres due to the intense strain of resistance. This triggers a repair process that makes your muscles grow back thicker and stronger, leading to muscle hypertrophy (where muscles increase in size).

Recovery time is crucial as it allows the muscles to repair and adapt to the training stimulus, helping you achieve your performance goals while avoiding injuries. Without adequate recovery, your muscle tissue may not repair fast enough, causing your progress to grind to a halt. It's not only the intense workout that builds muscle but the strategic recovery that follows.

Recover Right & Progress Faster

Signs like cramping, muscle soreness, inflammation and fatigue may indicate that your body is low on essential nutrients or dehydrated. Physical activity not only strains muscles but also depletes energy reserves and fluids, and these need to be replenished. 

Ignoring these signals and pushing through without adequate recovery time can be counterproductive. When you hit a plateau, it's important to evaluate whether you're giving your body enough time and nutrition to refuel and recover.

Top Picks For Recovery Supplements

NPL offers a wide range of recovery supplements designed to help you speed up recovery and get back on track. Here are our top recommendations to enhance your recovery routine:


Protein is the cornerstone of muscle growth and recovery. With its complete amino acid profile, protein goes to work repairing and rebuilding muscle fibres, making it an essential recovery supplement. If you're serious about your progress, make protein your top priority.

Platinum Whey

Platinum Whey Plus

Anabolic Whey


Well known for its strength-boosting properties, creatine also supports overall muscle growth and helps speed up the process of recovery, ensuring you're ready for your next workout sooner.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Fuel 

Creatine HCL


Branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) along with the other essential amino acids (EAAs) are excellent for boosting protein synthesis, preventing muscle breakdown and reducing exercise-induced fatigue, and complement your recovery supplementation.

BCAA EAA 12:1:1 

BCAA 5000 

BCAA Amino Pro 

Overall Wellness  

Stress management and sleep quality, are crucial for effective recovery and should not be underestimated. Our top picks are formulated with essential nutrients like zinc, magnesium and other natural ingredients to support quality sleep, stress management and well-being.

Vita Pack 

Vita Sport

Pro Test 

Pure Series Recovery Supplements

NPL’s Pure Series supplements are perfect for those seeking maximum benefits with high-quality, single-ingredient formulations. Free from sweeteners, flavouring and colourants, our top picks deliver essential nutrients needed for effective post-workout recovery.

L-Leucine aids in muscle repair and growth

L-Glutamine reduces soreness and supports recovery

L-Citrulline Malate improves blood flow and reduces fatigue

Beta-Alanine decreases muscle fatigue and increases anaerobic endurance

Explore our full range of recovery supplements on NPL’s online store here!

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