Build a Bigger Chest with the Machine Chest Press

Build a Bigger Chest with the Machine Chest Press

Master the Machine Chest Press

When it comes to top exercises for a stronger chest, the dumbbell and barbell bench press are often the first that come to mind. However, the machine chest press can take chest days up a notch, delivering a powerful pump and effectively increasing the size of chest muscles over time.

Comprehensive Chest Exercise

The machine chest press primarily targets the pectoralis major, the main muscle that shapes your chest. It also engages the pectoralis minor, which supports shoulder movement and stability. This exercise effectively works both the upper and lower chest, providing a deep stretch and ensuring full range of motion.

A Versatile Exercise for All Levels

Whether you're a beginner, intermediate or advanced lifter, the machine chest press offers significant benefits. Its fixed movement pattern is particularly advantageous for beginners, as it allows them to focus on building strength without the challenge of stabilising free weights. This controlled environment helps in developing muscle strength and technique.

For more experienced lifters, the machine chest press enables safe muscle overload without needing a spotter. It offers consistent resistance and increased time under tension (TUT), promoting muscle growth while reducing the risk of injury, even with heavier weights.

Machine Chest Press Form

While there are different types of chest press machines, we’ll focus on the incline press version. Follow these form tips to maximise your workout:

  • Adjust the seat so handles are at mid-chest level
  • Retract your shoulders and keep them down with your chest up
  • Keep your back flat, core engaged and arms slightly wider than shoulder width
  • Align your wrists with your forearms and keep elbows slightly bent
  • Extend your arms, controlling the weights without using momentum
  • Avoid arching your back, squeeze, pause and hold for best results
  • Move in the direction of natural scapular motion

Why Choose the Machine? 

The machine chest press offers several unique advantages over traditional chest exercises, making it a valuable addition to your workout routine. 

One of the primary benefits is its ability to provide superior muscle isolation. Unlike free weights, the machine chest press guides your movement along a fixed path, allowing you to focus more intensely on your pectoral muscles without worrying about stabilising the weight. This isolation can enhance muscle activation and lead to effective chest development. 

Looking for more exercise tips and tutorials? Explore them here!

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