Build A Strong Booty

Build A Strong Booty

All About That Peach 

Booty gains are all the rage, with more and more attention shifting to glute growth, especially among women in the gym, and rightfully so! 

Fuller, strong-looking glutes accentuate curves, fill out clothing in all the right places and are a major source of confidence for many women. If you're looking for actionable ways to start growing that peach, you've come to the right place. 

Booty Building Basics

Stop bouncing between glute workouts. If you want your booty to get bigger, stick to a plan. Progressive overload is your new best friend.

Challenge your muscles by gradually increasing the weight or resistance every week or two. Aim for 6-8 reps with heavier sets or 10-12 reps with lighter ones. Stick to 2 or 3 leg/glute-focused workouts each week and keep it simple with the basics.

Include these and their variations in your workouts:

  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Hip Thrusts
  • Glute Bridges
  • Glute Kickbacks
  • Glute Press
  • Step-ups

Common Glute Training Mistakes

Stop relying on the booty band. As much as you feel the burn in your legs and glutes, this equipment is not a miracle solution.

You're moving too quickly through reps. Slow down your reps to increase time under tension (TUT). Moving too fast reduces tension, which is key for growth. Focus on controlling the weight through the entire range of motion.

Don’t neglect single-leg exercises. Sprinters and their well-developed glutes should be a clue. You want your glutes activated on all planes with various motions.

More Food, Bigger Booty Gains

We need to address the elephant in the room, and it’s that you need to be eating more to see noticeable growth in your glutes. We know it’s intimidating, especially when the goal for many women is to be toned, lean and lose fat in those trouble areas. But the reality is that glute growth comes from muscle growth, and this won’t happen easily if you’re constantly in a calorie deficit.

Focus on building muscle first. Once you start seeing muscle growth, you can begin a slow lean-out phase to reveal your hard work. That’s how you achieve a snatched waist with a bigger behind. One goal at a time.

Prioritise nutrient-dense foods and a balanced diet to fuel effective training and recovery. Remember, calories, a high-protein diet and consistent weight training equals muscle growth.

Glute Growth Boosters

Enhance glute growth with supplements to see quicker, more noticeable results:

Platinum Whey: Boosts your protein intake, perfect for building those glutes.

Plant Protein: Ideal for plant-based eaters needing a protein boost.

Amino Burn: Pre-workout with added BCAAs for better recovery and an energy kick before your workout.

Strong Glutes Matter

While a fuller, rounder backside is a great goal, remember that strong glutes serve a functional purpose as well. 

As one of the largest muscle groups in your body, your glutes are crucial for a wide range of daily movements and activities. Strengthening them not only enhances your shape but also supports overall mobility and strength in your everyday life.

Get more exercise tips and fitness insights by following us on social media! Connect with us on Instagram @npl_prolifestyle and like our Facebook page, NPL ProLifestyle.

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